B2980 Series Femto / Picoammeter And Electrometer Meters

B2980B Series Femto/Picoammeter and Electrometer/High Resistance Meter The world’s only graphical picoammeter/Electrometer that can confidently measure down to 0.01 fA and up to 10 PΩ


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Maximize Your Measurement Confidence


The Keysight Femto / Picoammeters and Electrometers / High Resistance Meters offer best-in-class measurement performance and unprecedented features to maximize your measurement confidence. The Femto / Picoammeters and Electrometers both offer 0.01 fA (0.01 x 10-15 A) minimum current resolution, which meets virtually all existing and future low-level current measurement needs. The Electrometers feature a 1,000 V voltage sourcing capability that supports up to 10 PΩ (10 x 1015 Ω) resistance measurements. Both of the Femto / Picoammeter and Electrometer have battery powered versions to eliminate AC power line noise, providing unmatched level of noise reduction, enabling low-level measurements that were previously impossible.

  • Measure resistance up to 10 PΩ (10 x 1015 Ω)
  • Get a picoammeter and electrometer in battery-powered versions
  • Eliminate the AC power line noise when making low-level measures
  • Analyze chart results using the 4.3” liquid crystal display that supports a variety of viewing modes — numeric, trend chart, and histogram)
  • Select the appropriate measurement using the built-in real-time noise monitor
  • Capture transient device and material behavior perform a quick statistical analyses
  • Isolate the cause of noise from external setups (cables, connectors, adapters, chambers) with the Keysight optional setup integrity checker

Who do I contact?

Micheal O'Carroll
OTC Ireland

087 2289801


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